Undergraduate Papers

January 2009

A chronological list of the papers I wrote as an undergraduate.

  1. Ethics and Will with Respect to Belief
  2. Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote?!
  3. Causality According to Plato, Aristotle, and Descartes
  4. Hume’s Cartesian Diversion; Inductive Inferences as Essential Operations of Mind
  5. Descartes’ Assertion of Knowledge via Arguments for a Benevolent God
  6. Why the Axe, Aristotle?
  7. Modus Operandi of Aristotle’s Unmoved Mover
  8. Diotima’s Conception of Love in Plato’s Symposium
  9. How Kant Avoids Hume’s Unavoidable Argument for the Circularity of Induction and Makes Possible the Impossibility of Objectivity of Experience
  10. Logical Argument in Descartes’ Cogito Reasoning
  11. Notions of Causation, Necessary Connection, and Constant Conjunction in Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
  12. Oh, the Freedom!
  13. Brass Standing Figure of a 1000-Armed Avalokitesvara with 11 Heads
  14. Experiencing the Avalokitesvara
  15. Intentionalist Perspectives for Understanding the Avalokitesvara
  16. Non-Intentionalist Perspectives for Understanding the Avalokitesvara
  17. Epicurus’ Argument for the Irrelevance of Death
  18. What We Really Want: Arguments in Plato’s Gorgias
  19. Nature as a ‘For the Sake of’ Cause in Aristotle’s Physics
  20. Can the Self Transfer Bodies?
  21. Reparations and the Price of Insult
  22. Duty and the Good Will in Kantian Ethics
  23. Mill’s Argument for the Exclusive Desirability of Happiness
  24. Source Criticism and the Old Testament
  25. Locke and Jefferson on the Dissolution of Political Society
  26. An Aesthetic Comparison of Virgil’s Aeneid and Lady Murasaki’s Tale of Genji
  27. Sex Inequality in the Bible and the Qur’an
  28. What’s in a Theme? Literary Criticism of the Bible
  29. Montaigne vs Voltaire; Of Cannibals, Quakers, and Englishmen
  30. The Conversions of St. Augustine
  31. The Religious, Social, and Emotional Roles of Music
  32. Anselm’s Ontological Argument
  33. Aquinas’ Argument for Necessary Existence
  34. Hick’s Soul-Making Theodicy
  35. Plantinga’s Reformed Epistemology
  36. An Argument from The Anthropic Principle
  37. Atheism, Theism, and Arguments from Big Bang Cosmology
  38. Santayana’s Response to the Metaphysical Excesses in Schopenhauer’s Account of Aesthetic Experience
  39. Good and Evil According to Hobbes
  40. Hobbes and Freedom; Compulsion and the Validity of the Fundamental Law of Nature
  41. Making Sense of Hobbes’s Apparently Conflicting Words on God
  42. GNOME Do: an Ontology-Informed, Search-Driven Command Interface for the GNOME Desktop Environment
  43. Bats, Vultures, and Snakes, Oh My! Understanding Animal Experience Through Third-person Observation
  44. Computing Machinery and Creativity
  45. Extended Minds and Computationalism
  46. A Case for Open Voting Systems